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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Morning Digest: Syria vows to give up chemical weapons, Obama cautious about deal

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Syria vows to give up chemical weapons, Obama cautious about deal
WASHINGTON/AMMAN (Reuters) - Syria accepted a Russian proposal on Tuesday to give up chemical weapons but U.S. President Barack Obama said it was too early to tell if the initiative would succeed and he vowed to keep military forces at the ready to strike if diplomacy fails..
Syria war crimes worsen in battle for territory: U.N. report
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.N. human rights investigators said on Wednesday Syrian government forces had massacred civilians, bombed hospitals and committed other war crimes in widespread attacks to recapture territory from rebels this year..
Share rally pauses as Syrian talks begin
LONDON (Reuters) - A week of gains for world stocks petered out on Wednesday and a sell-off in oil and core government debt eased, as talks began on trying to avert a U.S. military strike on Syria against a broadly calm market backdrop..
Clint Eastwood's wife files for legal separation in California
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The wife of actor-director Clint Eastwood has filed for legal separation after 17 years of marriage, her attorney said..
U.S. seal World Cup berth with win over Mexico
COLUMBUS, Ohio (Reuters) - The United States qualified for the World Cup finals in Brazil after second half goals from Eddie Johnson and Landon Donovan gave them a 2-0 home win over Mexico on Tuesday..
Internet companies in new effort to disclose more on NSA requests
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Some of the world's biggest Internet companies on Monday increased efforts to disclose more about their forced cooperation with U.S. spy agencies, and Google Inc asked a court to hold what would be unprecedented public oral arguments..
Three space station crewmembers land after 166-day mission
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Two Russian cosmonauts and a U.S. astronaut left the International Space Station on Tuesday, leaving a skeleton crew to maintain the outpost until replacements arrive later this month..
Sex and the Chinese city: Classes help women shed taboos
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - In an unmarked room at a three-star hotel in downtown Shanghai, Ma Li teaches small groups of Chinese women about a topic that traditionally has been taboo - sex..
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