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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

If $1 Million Was Yours…

…what would you do with all that money? Here are a few suggestions that might just work for you.

32 Things You'd Definitely Buy If You Ever Won The Lottery

No, you haven't actually won the lottery. But if you did, wouldn't you buy a luxury RV with a garage compartment for your Porsche?

Your BMW won't fit, though, sorry!


So those song lyrics you thought you heard? They may be just a bit off.


Please don't have sex in a moving car. You will get caught. The footage will end up on YouTube.


NYC apartments are expensive. But did you know you could buy a castle for the price of some Big Apple apartments?


Chris Hemsworth has one of the best beards in Hollywood. So does John Hamm. But who's got the no. 1 beard?


"Don't be cool." And 16 other pieces of marriage advice from divorced people.


Everyone's got cooking advice. Some of it is good. Some of it may change your life.


Nobody knows what the people in the Skymall catalog are thinking. But surely they must have thoughts.


We miss you, "Flight of the Conchords." We miss you so much.


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