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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

You're SO Freaking Old

It's almost 11 and you want to go OUT??? Honestly, that's just crazy talk. Who does that anymore?

30 Signs You're Almost 30

College was forever ago. You now leave bars because it's too loud. Seriously, when did you get so old?

You wonder, seriously, how you ever pulled an all-nighter.


Meet Prince Harry's new girlfriend. This is the woman who's swept him off his feet.


Summer is awesome. But most of the feelings of summertime are pretty weird.


No need to alarm anyone, but: 'The Lion King' may have glossed over some important points.


The human body is gross. Unimaginably gross.


Ben Affleck. Steve Carell. And 23 other celebrities you never knew were in old, corny ads.


Do you have a friend who likes one of these books? Then it might be time for an intervention.


You speak your own language. You know each other's histories intimately. Yup, you've got a best friend.


Love isn't luck. It's actually really hard work.


A question you really should ask: Redhead, or supervillian?

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