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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Giving Up Can Be Fun

Look, things are hard. They take work. They're not that much fun. So just give up instead!

26 Perfectly Reasonable Excuses For Totally Giving Up

If at first you don't succeed, consider trying something else. It's probably not worth the trouble.

Ah, screw it.


What will happen now that the sanctity of marriage has been destroyed? Let George Takei explain.


Google is watching. And what they're finding are some seriously WTF moments.


It's okay to admit it: Growing up with 'Seinfeld' messed you up.


Amazing screen savers. And 31 other things you miss about the early days of the internet.


A hidden ping pong table. A wine cellar trap door. And 34 other things you obviously need in your home.


Dead people can get goosebumps. Wait, can that really be true?


This? This is what happens when a 7-year-old asks NASA how to get to Mars.


Can you make it through this post without chuckling wryly to yourself? Can you?


These are hilariously pretentious lyrics. They required some translating.

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