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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Adorable Kid Alert!

Babies are the cutest. Especially when they experience something adorable for the first time.

18 Babies Experiencing Things For The First Time

This baby's first ice cream cone. And 17 other fantastic firsts for these kids.

Is that a cone, mom?


Everyone forgot Lindsay Lohan's birthday. Sorry, Lindsay.


What happens when you remove a single letter from the title of famous books? Some very strange spin-offs.


The cast of 'Matilda' reunited. It was, of course, amazing.


Spoiler alert: The person who did this to their car is a genius.


You were a girl. It was high school. You played sports. Life wasn't always fair.


James and Dave Franco must be brothers. It just makes too much sense.


A headline you won't read often: Bald Nun Sex Accidentally Broadcast On Giant Billboard In China.


Kate Upton. Fantasy football drafts. And everything else that millennial guys love.


Stay off Facebook chat. It's just not worth it.

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