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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Latest From BuzzFeed Politics

Congressman To Clinton: "The Only Person That's In Jail Right Now Is The Filmmaker"

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Wednesday alluded to the fact that no one involved in the Benghazi terrorist attack has been arrested while the the man who made the anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims," was arrested by California police for a parole violation. The administration originally said the video was the cause of the attack.

Hillary Clinton Hammers Republicans For Focus On Benghazi Transparency Complaints

"We had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night and decided to go kill some Americans? At this point what difference does it make?"

Hillary Clinton Is Not Impressed With John McCain

The Secretary of State seemed bored with her toughest critic's line of questioning.

The Many Gesticulations Of Hillary Clinton During Her Benghazi Testimony

The Secretary of State knows how to get her point across.

8 Sexy Second Jobs For Congress

The "No Budget, No Pay Act" would mean Congress doesn't get a paycheck if they don't pass a budget. Given that the last budget was passed in 2009, that might mean a long time without pay. Here are some suggestions on how our lovable political figures could make some spare cash back in their home states.

The Congressman From Reddit

Rep. Jim McGovern's office has been posting links for the past year without much attention. On Tuesday, he had his first Reddit hit.

Hillary Clinton Takes Responsibility For Failures In Benghazi Attack

Outgoing Secretary of State falls on her sword.

NRA Head Blasts Obama, Defends "Absolutism"

"Barack Obama is saying that the only principled way to make children safe is to make lawful citizens less safe and violent criminals more safe," says LaPierre.

Hillary Clinton Nearly Tears Up At Benghazi Hearing

"I stood next to President Obama as the Marines carried those flag-draped caskets off the plane at Andrews."

Washington Eyes A Weaker Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel's center holds. Peace processers look to Obama — and John Kerry.

House Republicans Slam Administration For "Attacking" DOMA

In Tuesday Supreme Court filing, House Republican leaders defend the 1996 law defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

Ron Johnson: Hillary Clinton Planned To Get Emotional To Evade Questions

"I think she just decided before she was going to describe emotionally the four dead Americans, the heroes, and use that as her trump card," the senator tells BuzzFeed.

House Will Vote On Short-Term Debt Limit Suspension Wednesday

Suspension would last until May 19. Sequester and a continuing resolution to fund the government remain in flux.

Does Obama Think Laws Banning Gay Couples From Marrying Are Constitutional?

The day after a broad affirmation of LGBT equality, the White House press secretary dodges the question while pressed on the issue. Advocates want answers.

Clinton Warns Of Growing Threat From Al-Qaeda Affiliates In North Africa

"The fact is they’re terrorists, they’re extremists, they have designs on overthrowing existing governments, even these new Islamist governments.”

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