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Monday, November 12, 2012

ScienceDaily: Top Technology News

ScienceDaily: Top Technology News

Making a better invisibility cloak

Posted: 11 Nov 2012 12:39 PM PST

The first functional "cloaking" device reported by electrical engineers in 2006 worked like a charm, but it wasn't perfect. Now a member of the same laboratory has developed a new design that ties up one of the major loose ends from the original device.

Recipe for 'supercharging' atoms with X-ray laser

Posted: 11 Nov 2012 12:38 PM PST

Researchers using a free-electron X-ray laser have found a way to strip most of the electrons from xenon atoms, creating a "supercharged," strongly positive state at energies previously thought too low.

Touch-sensitive plastic skin heals itself

Posted: 11 Nov 2012 12:37 PM PST

Chemists and engineers have created the first synthetic material that is both sensitive to touch and capable of healing itself quickly and repeatedly at room temperature. The advance could lead to smarter prosthetics or more resilient personal electronics that repair themselves.

New Australian telescope set to find 700,000 galaxies

Posted: 09 Nov 2012 05:40 AM PST

Australia's newest radio telescope is predicted to find an unprecedented 700,000 new galaxies, say scientists planning for CSIRO's next-generation Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP). Australian researchers have combined computer simulations with ASKAP's specifications to predict the new telescope's extraordinary capabilities.

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