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Monday, November 12, 2012

Latest From BuzzFeed Shift

13 Amazingly Impressive Photos From The World Pole Dancing Championships

The sport of pole dancing is trying to drop its strip club associations and show that it's an Olympic-worthy sport. I think I'm convinced.

Paula Broadwell's Friends Remind Us She Is An Actual Person

Defenders of the woman at the center of the David Petraeus scandal don't recognize the power-hungry seductress they're seeing in the media.

A Gchat Foray Into Polyamory

Romi and her boyfriend were interested in non-monogamy — but her falling for Nadia wasn't part of the plan.

8 Reasons Never To Do Housework Again

It can cause "sheet-fitting palsy" and a host of other ailments. Avoid at all costs.

25 Things You Can Make With Corks

Time to drink more wine! These easy upcycling projects will make sure your corks don't go to waste.

14 Beautiful Images Of The Hindu Festival Diwali

Around the world, people get ready to celebrate the five-day festival with costumes, flowers, and lots of lights.

Celebrity Obama Supporters Give Republicans Some Advice

"They need to understand that it's not just about rich white men. It just isn't," says Jennifer Westfeldt.

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