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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Election 2012: Obama, Romney put aside campaign for storm relief - for now

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Obama, Romney put aside campaign for storm relief - for now
KETTERING, Ohio (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney on Tuesday briefly put aside their fierce battle for the White House, as they avoided politics to focus on relief efforts after mammoth storm Sandy left millions of Americans struggling to recover.
Race remains tied less than a week before election
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney remain effectively tied as public opinion remains remarkably stable less than a week from Election Day, according to a Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll released on Wednesday.
Obama, Republican Christie tour storm-hit New Jersey
ATLANTIC CITY, New Jersey (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Republican Governor Chris Christie put aside partisan differences on Wednesday to visit storm-swamped parts of New Jersey together and oversee relief efforts after the devastation of the storm Sandy.
In crucial Ohio, conservatives are an unruly force for Romney
MIDDLETOWN, Ohio (Reuters) - When Ohio voter Paul Presta opened his door to two election canvassers one recent Saturday he interrupted them in mid-sentence and asked Jim Lewis about an issue close to his heart.
Obama will return to campaign trail on Thursday
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama will return to active campaigning on Thursday with a trip to the battleground state of Nevada, the White House said in a statement.
Romney limits attacks on Obama as U.S. recovers from Sandy
TAMPA (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney held back from his usual attacks on President Barack Obama on Wednesday, as his campaign offered a more upbeat message with the East reeling from the storm Sandy.
90 percent of Europeans would vote for Obama: poll
LONDON (Reuters) - More than 90 percent of northern Europeans would vote for President Barack Obama if they were able to cast ballots in the United Sates' election next week because they see Mitt Romney as too right wing, British pollster YouGov said on Wednesday.
Russia's election Magician pans "undemocratic" U.S. vote
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Tired of being lectured on democracy, the man known in Russia as "The Magician" for overseeing fraud-marred elections won by Vladimir Putin turned the tables on Wednesday by lambasting the U.S. electoral system.
Obama cancels campaign trip, will view storm damage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama canceled campaign appearances in Ohio on Wednesday and scheduled a trip to New Jersey instead to survey damage caused by powerful storm Sandy, a move designed to portray him as a strong leader a week before Election Day.
More than 1.2 million ballots cast in key state of Ohio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 1.2 million Ohio residents have already voted in the state which is seen as one of the most crucial in deciding the November 6 presidential election.
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