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Thursday, October 4, 2012

BuzzFeed FWD: Your Internet Photos Are Already Starting To Die And More!

Your Internet Photos Are Already Starting To Die

The popular-in-2004 photohosting service Webshots announced a relaunch, but glossed over the fact they'll be deleting your old photos if you don't update your account. Welcome to the next stage of internet linkrot.

The Big Debate Loser Was KitchenAid

Their social team tweeted a horribly tasteless non-joke about Barack Obama's dead grandmother.

14 Things Besides Facebook With A Billion Users

A billion people are on Facebook. That puts it right up there with television, chocolate and Mandarin Chinese.

Does World Of Warcraft Disqualify This Woman From Maine's State Senate?

Colleen Lachowicz is a State Senate candidate by day, "orc assassination rogue" by night. Or does facing off with troglodytes and balancing a life and a raid schedule make her MORE qualified?

Facebook's First Major Ad Is Wickedly Overdramatic

Facebook says Facebook is like a chair. A doorbell. A dance floor. A great nation. Facebook is EVERYTHING.

The Press Watches The Debate From The Worst Seats In The Country

Where the Wi-Fi is $175, and it sometimes works.

7 Beautiful Vintage-fied Tech Logos

What a difference a font makes. Via Gizmodo.

Why Wi-Fi In The Sky Just Got Ridiculously Expensive

Think it's crazy now? It's going to get much worse before it gets better.

Mozilla Launches A Sneak Attack On Facebook

Mozilla just announced Persona, a new online identification verification system. It's a long shot, but an important one.

A Guide To The Social Media Lifecycle Of All Major News Events

These 16 things are guaranteed to happen every time.

Using The Internet To Make Cat Fights Go Viral

The fashion industry has made great use of social media over the last few years to give fans a window into the glamorous world it is. But now some of the business's most influential players are using it for extremely silly spats.

38 Reasons Why A Billion People Should Not Be Allowed To Use Facebook

There are now one billion people on Facebook. It might seem like a good thing, but trust me: it just means more of THIS.

The Other Mapmaker

When you think of maps on a phone, you probably think of Google Maps (or you grumble about the new Apple Maps). But Nokia — yeah, that Nokia — may have the best maps around.

Mark Zuckerberg On Landing A Billion Facebook Users

As of Sept. 14, there are officially a billion Facebook users. In an interview with Bloomberg BW, Mark Zuckerberg drops a few interesting bits. That "each year the amount of stuff that each individual shares is growing at this exponential rate." And that with a billion users, "Now really everyone can start to rely on us as infrastructure," including other huge companies like Skype. Oh and that "It isn’t a core human need to use Facebook," so netting a billion users is pretty impressive.

What A Billion Facebook Users Means

The first billion was just the beginning. Only 6,000,000,000 to go.

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