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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Election 2012: Obama: U.S. will "do what we must" to curb Iran nuclear bid

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Obama: U.S. will "do what we must" to curb Iran nuclear bid
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - President Barack Obama warned Iran on Tuesday the United States will "do what we must" to prevent it from acquiring a nuclear weapon and said time was running short for diplomacy but ignored the Israeli prime minister's demand to set a "red line" for Tehran.
Romney pulls his punches at Bill Clinton event
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Introduced by Bill Clinton and facing a room filled with Democrats, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney pulled his punches on Tuesday and outlined an approach to foreign aid that would boost the role of free enterprise in developing nations.
Picking Ryan has done little to win voters for Romney
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate has done little to attract voters to the Republican ticket and more think he is not qualified to be president than believe he is ready for the White House, a Reuters/Ipsos poll said on Monday.
In Obama's trip to New York, there's Whoopi but no "Bibi"
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As hundreds of world leaders and diplomats converged on New York for the United Nations General Assembly's annual meeting, President Barack Obama teed up a crucial meeting of his own on Monday - with Whoopi Goldberg.
Some conservatives reconsider funding Akin in Missouri Senate race
KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters) - Within hours of a deadline to withdraw from the race, Missouri U.S. Senate hopeful Todd Akin appeared determined to stay in and he received a boost with news that some Tea Party-linked conservatives are considering giving him financial support.
Obama should call China a currency manipulator: Romney aide
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's administration should formally declare China a currency manipulator in a semi-annual report due to be released by the U.S. Treasury on October 15, a spokesman for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said on Monday.
Obama offers himself up as "eye candy" on "The View"
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Monday sought to woo women voters at a taping of the daytime talk show "The View," by flirting with his wife and bearing gifts for the hosts, but he could not escape tough questions on the economy that have dominated the election.
Analysis: For Romney, some troubling signs among older voters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Even before his running mate was booed by a lobbying group for older Americans on Friday, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was losing support among such voters, whose backing is crucial to his hopes of winning the November 6 election.
Billionaire Adelson sets new U.S. political donation record: report
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson has set a new record in political donations by giving $70 million to help Republicans in the 2012 elections, nearly triple the previous highest amount, according to news outlet Politico on Monday.
Romney, in interview, says his tax rate is "fair"
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said he thinks it is "fair" that he pays a lower tax rate on his investment income of $20 million last year than someone who made $50,000 annually.
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