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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Election 2012: Reuters/Ipsos Poll: Romney faces headwinds in race against Obama

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Reuters/Ipsos Poll: Romney faces headwinds in race against Obama
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Mitt Romney enters Republican convention week facing serious challenges in his drive to unseat President Barack Obama in the November 6 election, with the Democrat outscoring him on eloquence and likability, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Monday.
Democrats infiltrate Tampa for Republican convention
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Hanging over the highway leading into Tampa, Florida, a billboard greets the thousands of Republicans and journalists flooding the Gulf Coast city for the Republican National Convention.
Black, Mormon and female, Utah Republican embodies new hope
SALT LAKE CITY (Reuters) - Rock star. Novelty. Myth-buster. Surprise.
Romney camp tries to lower expectations for convention "bump"
ABOARD MITT ROMNEY'S CAMPAIGN PLANE (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's campaign tried on Tuesday to play down talk that he will receive the kind of significant bump in the polls that candidates traditionally enjoy after their party convention.
Republicans kick off storm-hit convention
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Presidential candidate Mitt Romney flew to Tampa on Tuesday to join fellow Republicans seeking to put their shortened convention in the spotlight and prevent his message from being drowned out by a hurricane bearing down on the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Another Republican steps into controversy over rape comments
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Another Republican U.S. Senate candidate sparked a controversy on Monday with comments on rape, comparing his family member's decision to have a child outside marriage to a pregnancy caused by rape.
Senator Portman will play Obama in Romney debate prep
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Republican Mitt Romney is turning to an experienced hand to play the role of President Barack Obama in debate preparations: Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, a campaign official said.
Four-day political conventions could be a thing of the past
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Say goodbye to the four-day national political convention, a dinosaur that could be nearing extinction.
Republicans call for crackdown on pornography
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - The Republican Party is calling for a crackdown on pornography in a move that could pit social conservatives against hotel operators, television providers and other businesses that profit from the sale of sexually explicit material.
Romney to make early visit to Florida convention
NEWTON, Massachusetts (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will make an early appearance at the Republican national convention in Tampa, Florida, on Tuesday, a campaign official said.
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