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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Election 2012: Romney promises firm U.S. foreign policy

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Romney promises firm U.S. foreign policy
RENO, Nevada (Reuters) - On the eve of a trip abroad, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney promised a robust foreign policy and accused President Barack Obama of weakness in the face of U.S. adversaries.
Washington embroiled in U.S. "fiscal cliff" debate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The dreaded "fiscal cliff" is rapidly becoming Washington's preoccupation - similar to the budget and debt-limit fight that consumed the U.S. capital last summer.
Obama attacks on taxes and Bain hit Romney ratings
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sustained attacks by President Barack Obama's campaign on Republican rival Mitt Romney's business history and refusal to release more tax records appear to be working, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Tuesday.
Why Obama's Jewish margin in Florida could be critical
TAMARAC, Florida (Reuters) - Selma and Kenneth Furst were among the hundreds of thousands of Florida's Jewish voters who helped put Barack Obama in the White House four years ago.
Obama unveils form to streamline college aid shopping
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration unveiled a form on Tuesday to help students compare college financial aid offers and better understand how much debt they will incur by the time they graduate.
Romney says new gun laws would not "make a difference"
RENO, Nevada (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who has backed gun control measures in the past, said on Monday that additional laws would not have stopped last week's massacre in a Colorado movie theater.
Obama to Republicans: stop playing politics with military
RENO, Nevada (Reuters) - President Barack Obama challenged Republicans on Monday to stop "playing politics" with the U.S. military in a fight over end-of-year budget cuts that would strike the defense industry if Congress does not agree on a new deficit-cutting deal.
Tax cut votes prelude to bigger "fiscal cliff" fight
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Congress is set to begin debating this week whether to extend hundreds of billions of dollars in expiring tax cuts in what amounts to a round of shadow boxing in advance of the real battle after the November elections.
Romney backs Olympics moment of silence to honor Munich victims
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney, about to visit the London Olympics and Israel, said for the first time on Monday that he supports an official minute of silence at Friday's opening ceremony for the Games to honor Israeli athletes killed at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
Massachusetts Republicans Brown, Romney share staff - and not much else
PLYMOUTH, Massachusetts (Reuters) - Outside a sweltering campaign office where the air conditioner was broken, Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown boasted to supporters about the reach of his re-election campaign against Democrat Elizabeth Warren, a consumer advocate and Harvard law professor.
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