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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk?

A riddle is a phrase which makes a statement or poses a question. It has a doubled or hidden meaning. There are two types of riddles known as Enigmas and Conundrums. Enigmas are metaphorical and or allegorical and conundrums involve punning in the question or answer.

Lewis Caroll wrote a famous riddle in ‘Alice in Wonderland’.
Why is a raven like a writing desk? Although Caroll intended the riddle to have no answer, many people have put forward suggestions.
1. Because there is a b in both and an n in neither. (Aldous Huxley 1928)
2. Because it slopes with a flap. (Cyril Pearson)
3. Because the notes for which they are noted are not noted for being musical notes. (Sam Lloyd 1914)
4. Because Poe wrote on both.
5. Because it can produce a few notes though they are very flat. (Caroll)
6. They both have inky quills (Lloyd)
7. Bills and ‘tails’ are among their characteristics. (Lloyd)
8. Because they both stand on legs, conceal their ‘steals’ and ought to be made to shut up. (Lloyd)

Tolkien also uses riddles in his novel ‘The Hobbit’. Gollum and Bilbo play a riddle game. If Bilbo wins Gollum will show him the way out, if not he will be eaten. Here is an example of a riddle.

‘What has roots as nobody sees,
Is taller than trees,
Up, up it goes
And yet never grows?’

You may also enjoy reading
Alice in Winderland - The Logic behind the Fantasy by Mary Glaasole aka Magic Quill

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