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Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Oil Spill: Another Louisiana Tragedy

Not that we in Louisiana have a complex (what next, grasshoppers? locusts? And to make matters even worse, it's been blowing off the coast here like the "Ten Commandments" pic above for the past two days - blowing the glop closer to us!).

This is a very good essay on the history of our state and the many, many challenges we've had. This will be a big one - and sadly, tens of thousands of our citizens - who depend on the land and the water that is about to be fouled for a living - along with those who work for those "evil" Big Oil companies that have provided stable employment and good incomes for many, many of our families - will lose their livelihoods our of this disaster.

All I can say is pray for our state, our people, and yes, our wildlife - and send us some chemical and mechanical engineers who know how to shut-off that f%$#ing well-head five thousand feet below the surface.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

and watch the May 1st update on what's happening offshore:



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