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Friday, August 8, 2014

Welcome To The Future

We don't need to wait for the future. It's already arrived, and it's freaking amazing.

22 Pictures That Prove We’re Living In The Damn Future

We've now got apps to translate words in real time. The future has officially arrived.



If you've been on Facebook lately, you've probably seen people taking the Ice Bucket Challenge. Here's the story behind the meme.


These people aren't celebrities. But they look so much like celebrities it's scary.


Kim Kardashian isn't like the rest of us. If any normal person Instagrammed like her, it'd just be bizarre.


Which TV office should you actually work in? It's time to find the workplace of your dreams.


Everyone's been through a bad breakup. But that's why books like this exist —  to help you get through it.


Sports aren't for everyone. Maybe sit the next one out, okay?


And finally: Parties are awkward. Nobody knows that better than this dog.

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