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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

ScienceDaily: Living Well News

ScienceDaily: Living Well News

Why aren't pregnant women getting flu vaccine?

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 12:36 PM PDT

Both mother and fetus are at increased risk for complications of flu infection during pregnancy. And prenatal care providers say they're advising women to get the flu vaccine, in line with recommendations from various organizations. But many pregnant women don't understand the importance of this advice -- and don't get the vaccine.

Red eye feels endless? Blame the internet: Price has become most important factor for airlines

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 10:52 AM PDT

The Internet has affected performance and product quality in the airline industry, especially flight times, a new study shows. Instead of competing for space at the top of travel agents' computer screens by scheduling the shortest flights, airlines have adapted to an environment in which price is playing the dominant role in selling tickets.

Smoking during pregnancy may affect grandchildren's growth

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 08:32 AM PDT

Smoking during pregnancy has discernible effects on the growth of a woman's future grandkids, a new study shows. The "likely transgenerational effects from the grandmothers' smoking in pregnancy need to be taken into account in future studies of the effects of maternal smoking on child growth and development. If replicated, such studies could be a useful model for the molecular analysis of human transgenerational responses," said the senior author.

White, straight women leading surge in infertility treatments

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 07:20 AM PDT

Heterosexual white women are twice as likely as racial or sexual minority women to obtain medical help to get pregnant, according to a recent study. While income and lack of insurance only partially explained the lower number of racial minority women receiving fertility assistance, lack of insurance appeared to play a crucial role in whether lesbian and bisexual women received medical fertility help, especially in more recent years, according to an American study.

Visual 'gist' helps us figure out where a crowd is looking

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 06:52 AM PDT

Have you ever seen a crowd of people looking off into the distance, perhaps toward a passing biker or up to the top of a building? You probably looked there, too, instantly, even without paying attention to the individuals in the group. Researchers have discovered that we rely on a specialized visual process known as 'ensemble coding' to perceive where a crowd is looking.

Music to your ears? Evidence of damage to hearing from music

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 06:48 AM PDT

Many people listen to loud music without realizing that this can affect their hearing. This could lead to difficulties in understanding speech during age-related hearing loss which affects up to half of people over the age of 65. New research has examined the cellular mechanisms that underlie hearing loss and tinnitus triggered by exposure to loud sound.

Provider, parental assumptions on teen sex yield 'missed opportunities' for HPV vaccine

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 10:23 PM PDT

Probing deeper into the complex decisions that parents and providers face regarding the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, researchers found that though both parties appreciated importance of the HPV vaccine, their personal assumptions surrounding timing of administration relative to onset of sexual activity resulted in decreased vaccination rates.

Women seek anti-aging clinicians to treat menopausal symptoms, study finds

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 10:23 PM PDT

Feeling that conventional doctors did not take their suffering seriously, women instead sought out hormonal treatments for menopausal symptoms from anti-aging clinicians, according to a study that investigated the appeal of anti-aging medicine.

Surprising number of older adults weathered the 'great recession' without financial strain

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 10:22 PM PDT

The "Great Recession" may have put a dent in many older adults' pocketbooks, but a new study finds that more than 40 percent reported a decrease in "financial strain" between 2006 and 2010.

'Super-parent' cultural pressures can spur mental health conditions in new Moms and Dads

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 10:22 PM PDT

Mental health experts in the past three decades have emphasized the dangers of post-partum depression for mothers, but a researcher says expanding awareness of several other perinatal mental health conditions is important for all new parents, including fathers.

'Bonus effect' for certain multiracial daters

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 10:22 PM PDT

While previous research has documented the existence of a racial hierarchy within the dating world with white women and men on top, a new study finds that in certain circumstances multiracial daters are actually seen as more desirable than individuals from all other racial groups, including whites.

Men viewed more favorably than women when seeking work-life balance

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 10:22 PM PDT

While some suggest that flexible work arrangements have the potential to reduce workplace inequality, a new study finds these arrangements may exacerbate discrimination based on parental status and gender.

Risky situations increase women’s anxiety, hurt their performance compared to men

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 06:58 PM PDT

Risky situations increase anxiety for women but not for men, leading women to perform worse under these circumstances, finds a new study.

Factors that contribute to food trucks' fast spread

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 05:45 PM PDT

Gourmet food trucks have spread around the nation, according to researchers who harvested Twitter data to conduct a de facto census of up-scale US food trucks, invented in Los Angeles in 2008.

Busy schedules force young people to manage time well

Posted: 15 Aug 2014 04:23 PM PDT

Parents aren't the only ones who struggle with time management anymore; school children are finding it more difficult to squeeze in all the things they want to do each day. A newly-published back to school article deals with the topic of over-scheduled kids and how to manage the activities that truly are priorities.

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