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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Good Morning!

Or maybe good afternoon? Good evening? It all depends on whether or not you're a morning person.

Just go back to bed already.


A high school student tried to ask Miss America to prom, but he ended up getting suspended from school for the stunt.


This couple of 70 years never spent one night apart during marriage, and last week they died just hours apart. True love is amazing.


This is the greatest Easter egg hunt ever. It includes a skateboarding dog, so how could it not be?


Exercise make you tired? Luckily, you can get in a good workout without even having to stand up.


Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Artist Formerly Known As Prince. Saved by the Bell Jar. And 19 other ’90s book titles that really should exist.


Poetry has the power to change lives. Here are some of the most inspiring poetic works of all time.


Even if you're not a great chef, you can still appreciate a good meal. Here are easy meal upgrades for impossibly lazy cooks.


And finally: These anonymous date confessions are really, really bad. Being single never looked so good.

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