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Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Magic Kingdom Is Evil

It's the most magical place on Earth! Of course there are a few caveats, a couple quid pro quo.

16 Things No One Tells You About Disney World Vacations

Prepare to never sit down. Prepare for long lines everywhere. It looks awesome in photos, but being there is a different story.

Great fireworks show! Now prepare to wait some more.


Oh, hi, thanks for the creepy Facebook message! *deletes message, shuts down internet forever*


Dear Oreo: Please stop what you're doing and make these cookies.


You are Hermione Granger. Your friends are Hermione Granger. We are all Hermione Granger.


What happens when 'Breaking Bad' meets coloring books? Something amazing.


Sure, it's hot out there. But at least you don't live in Florida!


Crop tops are excellent. Let Britney Spears show you how to rock them.


These are your favorite websites. These are those websites according to Google.


Germany is a great country. But German isn't the most beautiful language to hear.

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