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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Latest From BuzzFeed Politics

Alex Jones Downplays Connection To "Boston Bomber"

Tamerlan Tsarnaev reportedly listened to the conspiracist radio host. "My show is anti-terrorism."

Former Romney Intern Arrested For Blackmailing Women Into Sending Him Nude Photos

He also has a Facebook profile full of photos of him posing with almost every Republican politician from the 2012 election cycle.

What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were Born In North Korea?

Not great.

The Nine Most Terrifying Covers Of Al-Qaeda's Magazine To Inspire Western Terrorist Attacks

The magazine, meant to inspire terrorist attacks in Western nations, offers advice to build bombs, acquire weapons, and carry out terrorist acts. The magazine also features articles such as "Losing a Friend in Jihad," "Why Did I Choose al-Qaeda," as well as a "Letter from the Editor." Sections in the magazine include "History and Strategy," "The Latest and Opinion," "Arts and Misc.," and a review section.

High Hopes For Bill Aimed At Ending Anti-LGBT Job Bias

"If we have a bipartisan vote coming out of the Senate ... I think there's a very good chance that the House will decide to take it up," Merkley says of his hopes to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act this Congress.

The US Has Few Ties To Chechnya, And Less Influence

"We just don't have a role."

Glenn Beck Did An Insane Impression Of Janet Napolitano

Imagine Jon Stewart doing his version of a Brooklyn gangster and you're halfway there.

Potential McConnell Opponent Defends 2011 Meeting With Progress Kentucky Founder

Alison Lundergan Grimes talked to Shawn Reilly about her Secretary of State race. "There wasn't any grand conspiracy," a consultant says.

Could Max Baucus Save The Gun Bill?

"The whole thing hinges on one guy now." And he has nothing to lose.

Abortion Opponents Declare Victory After Obama Moves Planned Parenthood Speech

Anti-abortion advocates say the Kermit Gosnell case forced Obama to distance himself from Planned Parenthood. Nonsense, says Planned Parenthood.

Why Everybody Hates Max Baucus

The retiring Senator's name is mud on both sides of the aisle in Washington. "Maybe we'll actually get things done now," one Democrat snarked.

Famed Chechen Surgeon "Mortally Ashamed" By Bombings

Dr. Khassan Baiev, author of "The Oath," condemns the act. A glimpse into how Chechen Americans are feeling.

Progressives Emerge As Brian Schweitzer's Unlikely Ally

Just hours after Sen. Max Baucus's retirement announcement, a progressive group comes out for a pro-gun, pro-Keystone candidate. PCCC calls Schweitzer a "bold progressive populist."

Mark Sanford Bravely Debates A Poster Of Nancy Pelosi

The same guy who made "hiking the Appalachian Trail" a euphemism for cheating.

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