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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

xkcd: Growing dating pool

xkcd: Growing dating pool

Mar 05, 2013 04:28 am

xkcd dating pool

An old one from xkcd. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry, but I think he's implying that people who make graphs on weekends are super dateable.

Bettings lines for becoming the next pope

Mar 05, 2013 02:49 am

Probability of next pope

Who's going to be the next pope? I know all of you are sitting on the edge of your seats. Luckily, an analytical research manager who goes by the name AJ hacked together a pope tracker.

Despite not being Catholic, the papal election fascinates me. Not sure if it's the old rituals, the world-wide interest, or simply the fact that the Catholic Church has left a huge mark on history.

There's no way I know enough about the inner workings of the Catholic Church to have any idea on who the next Pope may be.

Since domain knowledge is out, the next best option?

Follow the money!

He's scraping odds of possible candidates becoming pope from a betting site, and the above shows the numbers over time. The odds were bumpy at first, but there seems to be some convergence, and as of this writing, Cardinal Peter Turkson from Ghana is the heavy favorite. [via Revolutions]

SimCity 2013 is coming tomorrow

Mar 04, 2013 10:04 am

I'm not into video games, and my experience has been near zero since high school, but I'm excited about SimCity 2013 coming out tomorrow. I think my excitement comes from one part nostalgia and one part GlassBox — the game engine that drives the simulations of the city you build and its citizens:

All the glowing reviews probably have something to do with interest, too. But that memory of installing SimCity 2000 from two floppy disks in my 486 totally brings back happy thoughts.

Apparently, the game makers were inspired by Google Maps and information graphics to display the data generated during gameplay. I hope Maxis releases some of that data. It could be fun to compare SimCity demographics to the real world. Then again, who's going to have time to look at the data, when we'll be too busy building arcologies?

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