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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Latest From BuzzFeed Politics

Andrew Sullivan: "I Figured, What The Hell"

Sullivan talks about his decision to leave The Daily Beast and strike out on his own — breaking six figures on his first day. "I should have been dead 10 years ago, so I figured, what the hell."

Chris Christie Is A Dinosaur

Life imitating art.

Why Congress Will Only Get Worse From Here

The fiscal cliff was the easy part. Stuck in the middle with you.

Exclusive: The Mystery Of Jay Carney Revealed

The campaign trail really sucks. Or does it? In an exclusive excerpt from Panic 2012: The Sublime and Terrifying Inside Story of President Obama's Final Campaign, Michael Hastings explores the weirdly addictive qualities of most expensive election in history, the "brutal caste system" of the press corps, and how the White House Press Secretary picked up a dangerous $10,000-a-day habit.

Joe Biden: "Spread Your Legs, You're Gonna Be Frisked"

The vice president makes Sen. Heidi Heitkamp's swearing in, um, memorable.

Meet Vladimir Franz, The Czech Presidential Candidate With Full Face Tattoos

He's a self-described punk that has captured the attention of young voters all over Eastern Europe.

Why Women Run New Hampshire

The all-female delegation that will take charge of New Hampshire on January 3 is the product of a unique political system. A flawed, but effective model for putting women in positions of power.

How To Sign A Fiscal Cliff Deal From Hawaii

Obama uses the AutoPen.

Republicans Open New Congress Slamming "Lapdog" Democrats With Corgis

"Nancy Pelosi's Obedience School."

Gerard Depardieu Loves Dictators

Once France's biggest movie star, Depardieu has been granted Russian citizenship after ditching France in protest of high income taxes on the rich. He's popular among less-than-democratic rulers.

8 Firsts Of The New Congress

The demographics of the 113th Congress reflect a changing country.

John Boehner Lives To Fight Another Day As Speaker

The much ballyhooed conservative uprising may never have happened, but that doesn't mean it's easy street for Boehner.

Illinois Republican Party Chair Backs Marriage Equality

"Giving gay and lesbian couples the freedom to get married honors the best conservative principles," Pat Brady says. State lawmakers could be considering a marriage bill as early as Thursday.

Here's The Memo Sent To Current TV Employees About The Sale To Al-Jazeera

Current's CEO Joel Hyatt informed his staff that they had been purchased by Qatar-based Al-Jazeera, and that the network would no longer be carried by Time Warner Cable in an email on January 2. The subject line: "BIG NEWS FOR THE NEW YEAR!"

The Supreme Court Prepares For The Big Cases: "DOMPRP8"

Months before it will hear oral arguments in the cases challenging the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8, the Supreme Court staff already are getting ready. Visit the DOMA/Prop 8 page at the court: DOMPRP8.aspx.

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