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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

BuzzFeed Politics: Hillary Clinton To Obama In 2008: "The Buck Stops In The Oval Office" And More!

Hillary Clinton To Obama In 2008: "The Buck Stops In The Oval Office"

The Secretary of State took the fall for the lack of security in Benghazi Monday, but in 2008 told then Senator Obama the "buck stops in the Oval Office."

Other Woman In Dinesh D'Souza Affair Is A D'Souza Fan

A scandal rocks the Evangelical conservative pundit circuit.

Politician's Son Asks For Help To Pay Off His Father To Never Dance In Public Again

A creative fundraising pitch for Washington gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna, who made headlines for dancing to PSY's Gangnam Style. "Really, it's the only way I could ever show my face at school again."

Hillary Clinton's 2008 Dead-Enders Fight On

Clinton's old supporters thrive in an alternate online reality of their own making. Party Unity My Ass.

Obama Campaign Fears Election-Eve Jobs Dip

"Thankfully a large portion of the country will have voted by then," says aide.

Obama's 2008 Town Hall Debate Promises

The President heads into a similar format against Mitt Romney tonight at Hofstra University on Long Island.

Arkansas Mailer Features Epic Putin/Obama/Pope Photoshop

An exciting Bible seminar.

Team Obama Looks For Debate Redemption

High stakes tonight at Hofstra. In Denver, "we know we lost the post-debate."

Bill Clinton Does What Obama Forgot In The First Debate

Explain Romney's tax plan. Obama brings out the big guns on the hours before his rematch with Mitt Romney.

Hillary Clinton: "I Take Responsiblity" For Benghazi

The Secretary of State commented to CNN that she was taking responsibility for the lack of security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi before the attacks.

Ohio Senator's Poses Under Close Inspection On Debate Day

The benefits of a detail-oriented pool report. Thank you, Jason Horowitz.

Rubio Rules Out Key Deductions

Unclear how Romney would close the deficit.

Glenn Beck Is Making Jeans Now

Yes, Glenn Beck has his own line of jeans, because spending $129.99 on pants by a talk show host is truly patriotic. They're made in the USA, of course.

Obama In 2008 On National Security: "I Will Be Responsible...The Buck Will Stop With Me"

Hillary Clinton took "responsibility" Monday night for the lack of U.S. security in Benghazi. In 2008, while announcing his national security team at a press conference, with Hillary Clinton standing next to him, President Obama said "the buck will stop with me."

Janet Huckabee Stumps For Akin

The former First Lady of Arkansas just met Akin for the first time, but she's got his back. "We don't bury the wounded."

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