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Friday, September 14, 2012

Election 2012: Republican Ryan says Obama panders to extremists on abortion

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Republican Ryan says Obama panders to extremists on abortion
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan launched a broad assault on President Barack Obama in a speech to social conservatives on Friday, accusing him of pandering to extremists on abortion and emboldening U.S. enemies in the Middle East.
Romney says United States should get tougher with Egypt
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Egypt needs to ensure the security of foreign diplomats or risk losing the $1.3 billion in aid it receives each year from the United States, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said on Friday.
What does Romney wear to bed? "As little as possible"
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The normally uptight Mitt Romney found himself on Friday pondering how best to answer the question, What do you wear to bed at night?
House Republicans pass "No More Solyndras" bill
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed a bill on Friday that would phase out a program for energy loans after a lengthy investigation into why a now-bankrupt California solar panel maker got a $535 million government loan.
Analysis: Weeks before U.S. election, Mideast gives Obama perfect storm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An eruption of violent unrest across the Middle East is confronting President Barack Obama with the most serious challenge yet to his efforts to keep the Arab Spring from morphing into a new wave of anti-Americanism - and he has few good options to prevent it.
China commentary slams Romney's "foolish" China-bashing
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's attacks on China and promise to name the country a currency manipulator if elected are foolish and hypocritical, China's official Xinhua news agency said on Friday.
Two NY state senators in close primary races after backing gay marriage
NEW YORK (Reuters) - One of three New York state senators who faced tight Republican Party primary elections because they backed same-sex marriage appears to have fended off his challenger, but the results of the other two closely watched contests were still too close to call on Friday.
Obama pulling away from Romney in polls but Mideast looms
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is pulling away from rival Mitt Romney in polls in what might be a turning point in the U.S. presidential campaign, but volatility in the Middle East is allowing Republicans to cast the Democrat as weak on foreign policy and could threaten his momentum.
Obama widens lead over Romney to seven points: Reuters/Ipsos poll
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama widened his lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney to 7 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos poll of likely voters on Thursday, the latest survey to show the Democrat ahead in the run-up to the November 6 election.
Romney energy adviser Hamm exceeded campaign-donation limits
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The national energy adviser for Mitt Romney's presidential campaign, Oklahoma oil billionaire Harold Hamm, made political contributions that exceed Federal legal limits by as much as 41 percent, according to data compiled by Reuters.
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