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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Election 2012: Obama stadium speech moved to cramped arena on storm threat

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Obama stadium speech moved to cramped arena on storm threat
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (Reuters) - Forecasts of thunderstorms put a crimp on U.S. President Barack Obama's nomination party on Wednesday, forcing Democrats to move his planned acceptance speech from a 74,000-seat outdoor football stadium to a much smaller indoor venue.
Michelle Obama wows social media, TV audience up
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Michelle Obama wowed Americans with an emotional speech at the Democratic National Convention that set the Twitterverse alight with gushing praise and boosted husband Barack Obama's social media standing as he makes his bid to stay in the White House.
Weather forces Obama convention speech indoors
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama scrapped plans to hold the biggest speech of his re-election campaign in a 74,000-seat outdoor football stadium on Thursday night, moving it to a much smaller venue due to severe weather forecasts.
Michigan high court allows pro-union measure on November ballot
(Reuters) - The Michigan Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday a measure that would enshrine the right to collective bargaining in the state constitution can be placed on the November 6 ballot, a victory for labor unions in the state that is home to major auto companies.
A pale green tinge for U.S. presidential campaign
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When it comes to the environment, the presidential contest has offered sharply contrasting images: Barack Obama posing beside an Iowa wind turbine and Mitt Romney standing in front of an Ohio coal mine.
New Jersey voters divided over Gov. Christie's future
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been touted as a rising star in the Republican Party. But even giving the keynote speech at last week's party convention in Florida hasn't lifted his approval rating back home, and voters aren't all that sure they want to give him a second term.
Obama gets high marks on likeability, weak on economy: Reuters/Ipsos poll
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (Reuters) - President Barack Obama goes into his Democratic National Convention getting high marks from voters on personal attributes but facing doubts about his handling of the U.S. economy, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found on Tuesday.
Evolution of Democrats' platform on climate, energy
WASHINGTON, Sept 5 (Reuters Point Carbon) - The Democratic party has restated its commitment to combat climate change and boost clean energy in the party platform it will approve on Tuesday at the 2012 party convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Bill Clinton to evoke era of prosperity in boost to Obama
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (Reuters) - The 1988 Democratic convention introduced Bill Clinton to the nation as a long-winded bore. The 2012 convention may cement his status as his party's most valuable weapon.
As Democrats rally, Romney trains for debates against Obama
WOODSTOCK, Vermont (Reuters) - As President Barack Obama's Democrats are rallying in North Carolina, Republican challenger Mitt Romney is going through what aides describe as "intensive" training here for the three upcoming debates with Obama.
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