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Sunday, March 11, 2012

BuzzFeed Latest: How Mitt "Guamney" Is Putting Santorum Away and More!

Today’s Hottest Buzz

Pizza Sweaters

The absolute latest in pizza fashion. Get yours today, just in time for the Pizza Expo!

How Mitt "Guamney" Is Putting Santorum Away

Romney's wins, big and obscure, are giving him a dramatic lead in the currency that counts: Delegates. On to Samoa!

Putin Zzzam

Zamug. [Jack's note: I honestly have no idea what the hell this is. Someone just uploaded it to our site with that title and description. Anyone care to speculate as to what the hell is going on here?]

The Most Innovative Man At SXSW

Walking will never be the same.

Unfortunate Dog Markings

I mean, I guess it's a conversation starter at least?

A New Way To Play With Perspective While In Vacation

Souvenirs + Landmarks = lots of fun! [Ed. note: This needs a fancy name though if it's going to be "the next planking" or whatever. Anyone have any suggestions?]

Sexy Betty And Wilma

Sure, right? Sexy Flinstones characters. Why the hell not? Good, I'm glad we're all agreed.

14 Sleepy Polar Bear Pause For A Break

A collection of tired polar bears napping on the tundra, snow, and ice I photographed in northern Canada.

Baby Chick Falls Asleep On Cat

This little Chick got so comfortable on Oscar that he fell asleep. [Ed. note: This is the latest installment in the adorable adventures of Oscar the cat and his best friend the baby chick! See more here.]

Good Call: In 2008, Biden Said Bin Laden Was Hiding In Pakistan

In the 2008 Vice Presidential debate between then Senator Joe Biden and Governor Sarah Palin, Biden said Osama Bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan. He was right.

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