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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Election 2012: Romney claws back into White House race, blasts Santorum

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Romney claws back into White House race, blasts Santorum
PHOENIX (Reuters) - Mitt Romney, fighting his way back into the driver's seat in the Republican presidential race, assailed rival Rick Santorum on Thursday as a Washington insider in a line of attack that polls show seems to be working.
Obama goes on offense over high gasoline prices
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As Republican presidential candidates toss barbs at Barack Obama over expensive gasoline, the U.S. president and his team are going on the offensive with a strategy to divert blame and prepare voters for higher costs.
Obama sees second term as time to push immigration reform
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, expressing confidence he will win re-election in November, told a Hispanic audience he would use a second term to seek comprehensive immigration reform.
U.S. debt seen swelling under Republican candidates' tax plans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. national debt will continue to swell under the tax-cut plans floated by the top four Republican presidential candidates, according to an independent analysis of their fiscal policy proposals released on Thursday.
Republican candidates back arming Syria rebels
MESA, Arizona (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich on Wednesday lent their support to the idea of arming the Syrian opposition in its fight to topple President Bashar al-Assad.
Romney proposes 28 percent top income tax rate
CHANDLER, Ariz./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Mitt Romney revised his proposal for overhauling the U.S. tax code on Wednesday, calling for all individual tax rates to be cut by 20 percent while declining to offer specifics on how to make up the lost revenue from lower rates.
Listen up voters, Congress is messaging you
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When is legislation put up for a vote but never expected to become law?
Santorum, Romney close but neither tops Obama in new polls
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are running neck-and-neck but neither would beat incumbent President Barack Obama, according to several polls released on Wednesday.
Santorum's push on social issues a challenge for Romney
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum's hard-charging focus on social issues has created a quandary for rival Mitt Romney, who usually prefers to steer clear of such sensitive topics and stress his business credentials.
Shifting focus, Obama campaign targets Santorum on economy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's re-election campaign regularly rips Mitt Romney, long viewed as the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, for his economic policies. On Tuesday, it added Romney's rival Rick Santorum to its list of top targets.
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