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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Help! My Face is Getting Older...

Are you worried about your face? If you’re like me, you’re seeing those crowsfeet… it’s only a matter of time!
There’s nothing you can do to keep from getting older… But there are some things you can do to prevent premature aging of the facial skin, and you don’t have to buy a bunch of fancy creams, either.

If you’ve ever been up all night and noticed how puffy and dark under your eyes look, try putting some spoons in the freezer.  Sounds weird, right?  You’d be surprised how well this works.  The next time you pull an all nighter, grab a spoon out of the freezer, and put it on your face around and under your eye, then gently lay it on top of your eye.  The results are instant!
Massing your face improves the ciruculation.  Use your fingers to massage your cheeks, under your eyes, your forehead, and your chin in little circles.  You don’t have to do it for very long, just a minute or two, but you should try to do it every day – it can only help, and it’s not strenuous.
Wash your face!  I know you already know that – but I want you to make a ritual of it.  Pore knowledge 101:  warm water opens them, cold water closes them.  You should consider getting a cleanser that’s just for your face – the soap you use to wash your body might be too harsh for your face.  I don’t use a wash rag on my face, either, I just put the soap on my hands – and you don’t have to use a whole lot.  Occasionally I wash my face with no soap at all just to give it a break… the skin on your face is extremely sensitive.  Wash your face with warm water.  This allows your pores to open and get clean.  Then, when you’re finishing up, rinse your face off with cold water (not ice cold, that can be damaging – just fairly cold).  This closes your pores so no dirt can get in.  Everybody gets exposed to things in the environment but if you smoke or if you wear make up, you’re in immediate danger of clogging your pores – this little trick can help.

When I’m done washing my face I like to use a little dab of moisturizer to avoid itchy dry skin; which runs in my family.  I put a tiny dot on my forehead and around my nose, maybe a little on my chin then I rub it in.  Any more then that and your skin might get oily – it’s like they told you in kindergarten “Just a dot, not a lot!”

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