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Monday, July 12, 2010

Enter Reverse Auctions: Telework is vital to government operations, and you need to buy more portable IT for doing so

Interesting story from Government Executive magazine, as they held a forum with five top officials at federal agencies on the subject of remote work (and the security, retention, productivity, etc.) involved. Read it here:

Telework is vital to government operations, chiefs say (7/8/10) --

A nugget of info here that all should pay attention to in regards to e-procurement and reverse auctions. Namely, as more telework is allowed and encouraged, there will need to be more IT equipment bought to facilitate this trend. So, more laptops, smart phones, data plans, etc., all of which are perfectly suited for reverse auctioning to save precious taxpayer dollars! That was the message from Hugh Hurwitz, the Department of Education's top procurement official. He commented that in the shift to telework at his prior position with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration):

"We actually did a reverse auction and got a tremendous price on laptops. It was cheaper to buy them that way than it had been to buy the individual desktops we'd been buying. In the end, it saves the agency a lot of money."

Game, set, match for reverse auctioning! A "win-win" for the agency, for the employees, and most of all, for the taxpayer!

Got a similar story to share - contact us here at the Reverse Auction Research Center ( to tell your success story saving money and time through using reverse auctions for procurement.



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